Update On Schedule and Pricing
New Schedule!
At Heartwood Center, I am still in from noon until 7 pm on Thursdays and from 10 am until 4 pm Sundays, BUT I have also added Tuesdays from 4 pm until 8 pm. For appointments with me at Heartwood, please contact me directly at lisameyersonlac@gmail.com.
Also, I am now working temporarily on Saturdays in Buffalo Grove for Pulling Down the Moon at there Fertility Centers of Illinois location from 8 am until 1:30 pm. For booking an appointment with me in Buffalo Grove on Saturdays, please contact Pulling Down the Moon at (312) 321-1004.
I am no longer at Pain Therapy Associates in Schaumburg. If you would like a referral in Schaumburg, please email me at lisameyersonlac@gmail.com
New Pricing!
As of January 1st, I increased my initial intake (90 minute session) price to $150 and my follow up (60 minute session) price to $95. I also have a 5, 10 and 10 package discount available. Please send me a message for more details!
Happy Spring and see you soon!
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